Print Ad Rates

Typical Display Ad Sizes & weekly rates

The Exchange - Eastern Washington Edition
Size Black & White  Color
2 col x 2” $77.00 $92.00
2 col x 3” $113.00 $138.00
2 col x 5” $175.00 $200.00
3 col x 5” $252.50 $307.50
1/4 Page $314.50 $384.00
1/2 Page $605.0 $685.00
Full Page $1045.00 $1170.00
Double Truck N/A $2080.00
Front Page Ads Black & White Color
2 col x 5.25" N/A $405.00
4 col x 2" N/A $295.00
2 col x 3”  N/A $222.00
2 col x 2” N/A $163.00


The Exchange - North Idaho, Wenatchee/ Moses Lake, & LC Valley Editions
Size Black & White  Color
2 col x 2” $57.75 $69.00
2 col x 3” $84.75 $103.50
2 col x 5” $131.25 $150.00
3 col x 5” $189.38 $230.63
1/4 Page $235.88 $288.38
1/2 Page $453.72 $513.75
Full Page $783.75 $877.50
Front Page Ads Black & White Color
2 col x 5.25” N/A $275.25
4 col x 2” N/A $200.00
2 col x 3”  N/A $151.50
2 col x 2” N/A $115.00



Edition Display Classified Line
Eastern Washington Exchange - Market 1 Tuesday, 5pm Wednesday, 1pm
LC Valley Exchange - Market 2 Tuesday, 5pm Tuesday, 5pm
Wenatchee/ Moses Lake Exchange - Market 3 Monday, 5pm Tuesday, 12pm
North Idaho Exchange - Market 4 Tuesday, 5pm Wednesday,  1pm
Giant Nickel - Market 5 Tuesday, noon Tuesday, 5pm

Mechanical Requirements

6 columns, 15” vertical, 10” horizontal; 9.5 pica (1.58”) column, 1 pica gutter.  Adobe Acrobat PDF files are acceptable as camera ready artwork via e-mail.  
Actual printed size may vary.

1 col    1.58”    9.5 picas
2 col    3.33”    20 picas
3 col    5.08”    30.5 picas
4 col    6.83”    41 picas
5 col    8.58”    51.5 picas
6 col    10.33”    62 picas


10% discount on display advertising that runs four consecutive weeks and is paid by billing due date. Contract discounts for volume advertising are available.

We offer a 15% discount to recognized agencies for camera ready ads; see your Sales Representative for more information.

The Exchange is an audited newspaper by CVC and eligible for Co-Op reimbursement.

E-Tears & Electronic Billing available upon request.

Classified line ads

We can place your Line or Photo ad in 5 Markets.
Market 1: Spokane Exchange -  Eastern Washington
Market 2: LC Valley Exchange -  Lewiston/ Clarkston Valley
Market 3: Wenatchee/ Moses Lake Exchange - Central WA
Market 4: North Idaho Exchange - North ID
Market 5: Giant Nickel - Tri Cities area (online only)

Line ads 30 words or less, 1 market $10, 2 markets $18, 3 markets $26, 4 markets $30; Super Saver Special, All 5 markets $35 per week. Each word thereafter, per market 10¢. Website upload is included.

Photo Ads

ALL Photo ads include 30 words, extra words are 10 cents each per market.

Photo ad in 4 markets (excluding Tri Cities), $55 per week

Photo ad in Market 1, 2,3 or 4,
with line ad in 3 other Markets, $39 per week

Photo ad in Market 1, 2, 3 or 4, $15 each


$38 per 1,000. Full circulation inserts can be placed within the Exchange or zoned in separate editions. There is a size restriction of 7''x10''. Please call for specifications and pricing.



The Exchange - Eastern Washington Edition is an Approved Legal Paper for Spokane County. $1.05 per line first insertion, 99¢ per line each additional insertion.


The Exchange reserves the right to refuse ads which are contrary to its policies and is not liable for the condition of the advertised articles or for composition errors. The Exchange will not be responsible for error in copy beyond adequate consideration for the error commensurate with the space utilized. Neither the Exchange, nor its advertisers, intends prejudice for any reason.