One of the most elusive attributes for many people to obtain in this life is total honesty, yet the payoff for that discipline is huge! Abraham Lincoln once said, “Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it.” When a person is totally honest no matter what the stakes, there is an overpowering sense of peace that gives that “might” old Abe is talking about. You should look for a broker who operates on the principles of trust.
In real estate transactions there are always opportunities to be less than honest. One who has made the decision to be totally honest finds that any temptation thereafter is powerless, yet those who never make that commitment are destined to struggle and always wonder when it will catch up to them, always looking behind. Years ago my company terminated a real estate broker who lied in a transaction and then perpetuated the dishonesty by trying to get an office staffer to participate in the cover up. The agent’s response to my inquiry about this situation was this statement: “I feel that if the outcome helps someone then it doesn’t matter what you have to do to get to that end, ..lie, cheat or steal, it does not matter.” That agent and their belongings were on the street that afternoon.
Frequently clients ask if they should disclose something on the state mandated Seller Disclosure Statement that might be detrimental to their cause. My answer is always the same. Just be abundantly honest, then it can never come back to haunt you. “Why does it matter if I reveal that the roof or basement leaked last year when I have already had it fixed?” a client may say. My answer, “Because there is the chance that the new buyer will discover mold or new problems and seek you out for damages after the closing. Being honest about it now may cause them to do extra investigation but will dissolve any liability concerning that subject forever.”
One of the most important lessons that I learned early in my career was this truth; if they will lie for you then they will lie to you. Beware... if you think it is okay for your agent to be dishonest in your favor, that is like picking up a poisonous snake. Seek out a professional that has the trust factor instead!
Jim Palmer, Jr.
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