Do you have a review of the Exchange? Please click here to tell us what you think. Our goal is not simply to provide "Good" Service, we strive to provide "Exceptional" Service!
"The Exchange has definitely brought me at least 98% of my business! The Exchange is it!" - Tim Derks, Done Right General Contracting
"The Exchange is one of our most highly successful marketing methods. Plus, you make it so easy for us! We are very, very happy with our advertising through The Exchange, especially for the price. Thank you!" - Owner | Vertical Options Elevator Services
"A blockbuster amount of people showed up to our auto auction. It was awesome!" - Fisher's Towing & Transport
"The Exchange is one of our most highly successful marketing methods. Plus, you make it so easy for us! We are very, very happy with our advertising through The Exchange, especially for the price. Thank you!" - Owner | Vertical Options Elevator Services
"A blockbuster amount of people showed up to our auto auction. It was awesome!" - Fisher's Towing & Transport
"I really appreciate the marketing you guys did for my acreage properties - The buyer came from the ads in The Exchange!" - Michael McAdams | McMcAdams Realty
"We had so many people come in from our front page ad this week!" - Dee | Secret Garden & Greenhouse
"I just picked up the Exchange and I had to call you to let you know how impressed I am with your newspaper. I've never seen a classifieds or nickel paper like it. You've got all the ads and lots of great bits of information everywhere and lots of color, and it looks great. You guys are progressive and way ahead of the ball game. Just had to let you know!"
"I sold my sofa/loveseat to the first caller and sold my pool table to the second caller. You meet the nicest people who respond to ads in the Exchange, unlike flakes from other online lists. Also, the people who bought the items were told about the ads from someone they knew who read the ads. Sometimes it takes a village, but I always get great results from my ads in the Exchange!" - RM
"We got 5 good calls but sold it to the first caller! Your paper works well." - Keith C.
"We sold our house! A guy came to our open house, looked around and said I like it and put down an offer that day!" - Lily B. | Kelly Right Real Estate
"This time it sold online, but I only had one person look at it from online. I had like three people call me from your paper. I definitely think your paper has been more effective than any of the online channels. My trailer sold from your paper."
"As a family owned business we appreciate that we share in the same values as them. We have always received professional and quality advertising. It is an honor to have them as one of our business partners." - Joelle Bradley | Peter's Homes
"We had our picture classified on the front page. Several people walked into our market with the Exchange ad in their hand. Thank You!" - Clayton Farmer's Market
"Jan is an exceptional person to work with - very helpful, prompt and creative with our ads." - Nancy | The Ugly Duck
"The 30 year success of my auction business is truly related to my ads in the Exchange and their great staff. I have literally gained hundreds of long time customers because of my advertising." - Jeff Owens | Owens Auction
"I have been working with all of the wonderful people at the Exchange for years and they are superb on customer service and putting together great real estate ads. Happy Anniversary to a well deserved company!" - Sheri Tilton
"We’ve been very happy with the Exchange. No complaints, all these years. Just great service and results." - Darl Wheeler | Wheeler's Farm
"The Exchange is superb in customer service and satisfaction!! We are new customers and have been completely satisfied with the service we have received. They have been very supportive of our new business here in Spokane. If there’s ever an issue or a change needed, Jan is always right there to correct the issue. The Exchange goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to our needs. I would highly recommend using their advertising services." - Marlo Hunter | Hunter's Denture Studio
"Our farm and family members have read and advertised in the Exchange for 40 years. The Exchange employees have been friendly and courteous. Jan Martin has been like a family member, always friendly and so helpful. Our thanks to the Exchange and Jan Martin. " - Carver Farms
"Many times I have told people “of all the advertising I have done in print media I get more response from my Ads in the Exchange than any other" - Jim Palmer Sr. | Real Estate Marketplace NW, Inc.
"We haven’t skipped a week of advertising in the Exchange in decades! Week after week, advertising in the Exchange attracts new customers and keeps our regular customers updated! What’s a new customer worth? Our Exchange customers keep accumulating year after year. We advertise what’s trending, the Exchange helps us change that weekly, if we want. I like that the Exchange gets into every nook and cranny for miles around Spokane. We appreciate our out of town customers, thanks! Happy Anniversary Exchange! Long live recycling!" - Jim Schrock | Earthworks Recycling
"First Barb, and then Helen for the last 18 years, have taken good care of me and my advertising needs for nearly half of the 40 years! I am so glad I have experts that help me put together greats ads that make my phone ring!" - Dave Atherton | Real Estate Marketplace NW, Inc.
"Thanks to Jan Martin and the Exchange, our local business has been able to grow and thrive through both good times and bad. There is simply no other medium that produces the same results for our company." - Jensen Lewis | Solid Structures LLC
"Great Advertising Media, Excellent Customer Service." - Jim Solomon | United Hillyard Mall
"We at Reinland Auctions have been advertising with the Exchange for 25+ Years, and they have always been the best to deal with; hands down, no one compares. Jan is a truly the “Ad Queen.”" - Tom | Reinland Auctions
"I have had an advertisement in the Exchange every week for over 25 years. The thing I like best about this paper is Helen. She takes care of my advertising needs with such enthusiasm." - Edward Anderson, Broker
"I have worked with Jan at the Exchange for over five years now and let me tell you, she is on top of the game. She is making sure our ads are always fresh and is very helpful with suggestions to create new ads if need be. We are very thankful to have her helping us with our advertising. Thank you Jan!" - Doyle W. | Cobalt Trailer Sales
"Thank you so much for helping me sell all of our pups! Once the ad came out online, my phone just blew up with calls and texts. Lots of people from Idaho when the Regional Ad came out over there also. I could have sold 10 more. That's great marketing! Thank you again!" - Wendy W.
"I got such great response from my Open House ad in the Exchange. A lot of people came just from seeing the ad in the Exchange. The Open House section must be really popular with the readers. I'll now be advertising more Real Estate and Open Houses with the Exchange!" - Diane Kooy, Agent/ Broker | John L Scott RE Spokane Valley
"All my puppies sold within 3 days, just off the online ad. Then the print ad came out in the Exchange, and the phone calls just kept coming! Such great response from just a few days of advertising!" - Connie B.
Must have had over 30 calls! I will definitely be calling you in the future!
- Sid Harty
I must have gotten about 21 calls (over 2 weeks) for my hay and pastureland for sale. It was great! I sold all the hay and found someone to buy the pastureland. - Louis A.
I really love using the Exchange. A lot of people read the paper or go online to www.spokane.Exchange, and I sell all my puppies through either word of mouth or the Exchange and the network of papers they offer. - Jeanne Vantrese
Love the Exchange! My family has used it for all our advertising needs since I can remember. The Exchange is a key part of Spokane and it's been around this long for a reason! - Miranda Carlson
I've been using the Exchange since about their first or second year in the '80's. I'll bet a thousand great customers have come our way since then! Thanks! - Jim Schrock | Earthworks Recycling
I never advertised much before, but now I'm starting to advertise regularly in the Exchange. The real estate section looks great, works well, and my ads get calls. I really appreciate everything you do and how helpful and willing you are to go above and beyond. And I appreciate you calling and checking in each week to see which properties I need to advertise. I hope the Exchange just keeps getting bigger and bigger! - Glen Carey | Woodard Properties
The Exchange is awesome! We sold both our horse trailers and vintage truck through the Exchange. We got our full asking prices and everybody was happy all-around. We're happy to recommend you anytime! Thank you!
- Suzanne W.
I sold my $200 freezer right away to the first person who called!
- Donna Wood
I now only advertise with the Exchange. They know what they're doing. They wrote a memorable ad that gets noticed, and people have started to recognize it. Being consistent is key, and our ad is in the paper every single week. We've gotten about 100 new customers since we started advertising in the Exchange a few months ago. It's kept me pretty busy! - Curtis Norton | Northwest Auto Services
That was a really good ad - I got a lot of good calls!
- Larry Blair
After just a couple days in the Exchange, half my puppies have already sold! Your website is so user-friendly! It took me all of 7 minutes to place an ad, including uploading a photo, and it was so easy! -Amanda Wright
I have used several types of advertising and never got positive results. I had never advertised with the Exchange, but decided to give it a try. I've gotten at least 4-5 phone calls every day since the ad came out and couldn't be more pleased. - Bob Frankovic
I love you guys! We treat the Exchange like the bible of estate sales. I go to the store every Thursday to pick up the paper and by the next day, they're already all almost gone! I have so many friends that love the Exchange & you really have such a huge following. Your advertising rates are so affordable, and I love how fast you're growing! There's no better paper in Spokane! - Sue Crouse
We were able to sell our restaurant thanks to our ads in the Exchange! - Chalet Restaurant
Thank you so much for putting so much into the success of our clients. I really mean it when I say that you really go the extra mile more than most people!! - Bridgette Tiffany | Genesis Marketing
The sale was fabulous! We had over 200 people, and they kept coming like crazy!
- Monarch Estate Sales
If you're looking for a great Return of Investment in your Marketing Department, I would highly recommend using the Exchange paper.
- Sheri Tilton | REMAX of Spokane
I put an acreage property in the Exchange and I had 11 offers on the property. My phone wouldn't stop ringing!
- Elizabeth Bendinelli | Kestell Company
People always think of Craigslist, but I sold every single one of my horses out of the Exchange. We have ads on Craigslist too, but we just get a lot of kids calling...You don't get as many "tire-kickers" with the Exchange. People who look through the Exchange actually have money. And with the Super Saver Special you have, those ads really get around. I have people coming up from Priest River, Grangeville, and all over. I'll definitely be using the Exchange again next time I need to advertise! - Darlene LaRochelle
All of our puppies sold in one day! Thank you so much!
- Maureen Patrick
I was very happy with my sale and sold most of it after advertising in the Exchange. I was pleased when the Exchange staff called a few days later to see how it went. I will definitely be calling them again when I need to advertise. - Melvin Lestito
I got it sold before the paper even came out. They put my ad on their website the same day I placed it and my equipment sold before it even printed! - Raymond Kuh Jr.
I was absolutely thrilled with the response to my ad in the Exchange. I had to sell my mother-in-law's estate and made over $3300. When asked where they heard about the sale, almost everyone said the Exchange. - Kristen Englert
I love the Exchange. I advertise all the way from Montana and I always have great response. The staff is always so patient and friendly.
- Vicky Feight
This is the best piece of advertising I've ever used. I didn't know what to expect, but my sale was a madhouse!
- Ray Polhumus | The Gold Bug
The Estate Sale was a huge success… I was overwhelmed at the attendance for all 3 days despite the terrible weather we had. Many people said they saw the preview ad and the current one… Great Job! I'll say it again and again, you're awesome and thanks sooo much for being there for us little people. - Cruz Nicacio
Just wanted to thank you for your service. I must have received at least 20 calls, and probably more, right there —after the ad cam out. And I sold the guns to the few callers, and of course, had to fend the rest of them off, wishing I had 5 or 10 more to sell! The prices were right. Kind of nice to spend so little on an ad and get that kind of response. And previously, when I advertised a couple of 'Glocks', a moderately expensive and top performing brand, they sold as quickly also, even sat or near 'retail' prices. Thanks Again! - RKB
I just want to say WOW on the on-line version of the paper! Super easy to find what you are looking for, especially archives!! I love how you have the zoom to read set and the pages that 'turn'. Can you get the Nickels Worth to do the same format? PLEASE! Save paper, save a tree, and THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE GUYS!! - Ramona Olson
I sold the two heaters that I placed in the paper. I'm living in the dark ages. I don't have a computer and depend on the Exchange. The Exchange does work! - Arlene Pandelis
Every time I'm frustrated with the other papers for making mistakes, missing my ad or not responding to my emails, I'm grateful that I can always count on the Exchange to do a super job! You truly simplify my life and I very much appreciate it. - Renee
Home sold with 2 weeks advertising in the Exchange. I'm telling everyone in our office the Exchange works!
- Sue Jessup
I can't believe everyone doesn't advertise there at the Exchange!
- Jim Schrock | Earthworks
I placed my house in the Sunday Spokesman and the Exchange… I got 5 times the calls from the Exchange.
- Rachelle Reiter
Ran my ad one week and had over 40 calls. The Exchange works!
- Richard Tobert
We sold all our goats the first day with just the Exchange! It is the only place we advertise!
- Glenda Marque
Great ad! Already have the Bob Cat rented for an entire month!
- Joel Havens
We got 18 calls…you should get a gold star!
- Judy Meehan
Thanks for the article in the Exchange. We had a great week and from the number of people saying they heard of us from the Exchange, we know you had a large part in that! - Deana & Jim
Thanks! You did well… lots of phone and calls and showings.
- Gwen Arrand
I just wanted to thank you for helping Back Country Horsemen by including our information about the Survival Seminar in The Exchange. It was an extremely good class with lots of information and things to think about. We appreciate the Exchange support as we try to educate the equestrian community, and general public, about issues important to all of you. - Ken Carmichael
Thank you so very much for everything you did for the show this year. Your involvement is why the show is so successful each year. The show guide had many compliments this year; as a matter of fact, from several of the council members.
- Bridgette Tiffany | Genesis Marketing
Forgive me for not getting back to you earlier. Not complimenting you on the outstanding piece of 'journalism' you wrote on my tree farm has weighed very heavily on my conscious. I had a lot of people tell me they read the article, it even got to Pittsburgh, PA to people I work with there. The comments about the article were all flattering. I appreciate the care you took and the photos you included. Also, I sold a good number of trees as a result of the article. I would quiz people how they heard about the farm and many answered "from the article in the Exchange paper". The one article and accompanying ad in the Exchange, was essentially the only paid advertisement I made. I did not advertise on the web. We cut between 70-80 trees. I will advertise with you all next year.
- Ted Lowe | Theodore's Thicket Tree Farm
In just a few weeks I sold 2 homes through the Exchange. Thank you!
- Ron Gold | Prudential Real Estate
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