Even though some extreme instances of public outcry took a very ugly form this year, making most of us uncomfortable and angry, it did highlight the perception by some in our country (and the truth) that we still have a ways to go in terms of equal opportunity and fair and equal treatment for all of our citizens. The rock of our foundation as a country is our Constitution which clearly states the ivory-tower-standard that we have sought for since its inception and is stated in the doctrine that “all men (women) are created equal.” The biblically inspired Golden Rule seems to have been a righteous stimulus for this core value, stated so prominently by our founding fathers.
Among the ranks of Realtors®, this clarion call for us to do better was heard, even above the deafening roar of the criminally induced chaos and through the dark clouds of acrid smoke. Leaders from the Realtor® ranks responded by making some distinct changes to our National Association’s Code of Ethics that added clarity to our organization’s already-strong-stance on this topic. Real Estate brokers with the designation of Realtor® (because of their membership in this trademarked Association), are now not only held accountable for their words and actions while functioning in their occupation, but are also held accountable for any words or actions in their private lives (social media posts, etc.) that indicate derogatory or discriminatory leanings concerning any one person or group of people that are different from them. The newly created verbiage specifically identifies people that fall under the category of a currently protected class (race, creed, national origin, familial status, religion or sexual orientation), but the intent is that it applies to all people and rings as true and clear as the sound of the freedom bell that echoed across the land in 1776.
Other subtle changes include adjustments to our local MLS data sheet where the term, “master” bedroom and bath, has been replaced by “primary” bedroom or bathroom. Necessary or not, local leaders have proven they are responding to the call for us all to be more sensitive and better.
The fight for equality has raged since the beginning of time and will continue to be fought until enmity and envy are erased from our thought process and the lamb and the lion lie down together in green pastures. We can all be part of that solution.
Jim Palmer, Jr.
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