This first Spokane Valley City Council meeting for 2023 opened with Council’s confirming Mayor Pam Haley’s appointments of Sara Fesler, Amanda Alcamo, Grant Guinn, Bernadette Crain, and Lee
Cameron to the City’s newly created Tourism Promotion Area Board.
On October 26th, 2020, Council approved Resolution No. 21-008 which served as a formal notice of the City’s withdrawal from its participation in Spokane County’s Regional Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) effective December 31, 2022.
City staff and hoteliers reached agreement on creation of a petition that met the needs to meet the requirements of state law to form and establish a City TPA.
City Resolution 22-017 formally accepted that petition, followed by adoption of Ordinance 22-016, establishing a City-wide Tourism Promotion Area. The ordinance provides the implementation procedures and policies for the new TPA. The appointment of the TPA Board completes the establishment process. Motion to approve the Mayoral appointments to the TPA Board passed unanimously.
Property rights necessary to conduct city business such as storm water drainage were not always transferred to the City upon incorporation. Most of the property in question lies within the County. The City has lately been engaged with the County to acquire easements to finalize the plan. The agreed price is $252,614 which would be paid from the City’s Storm Utility account. Council reached consensus to bring the easement for action at a future meeting.
The City’s Master Speed Limit Schedule was last updated on June 14th, 2022. Since that time needed changes have been identified for compliance with state law. The opening of the Bigelow Gulch/Sullivan Road addition will change the speed limit to 35 miles per hour (MPH) from Sullivan Road to the north city limit, and from Sullivan Road from Saltese Road to Bigelow Gulch Road. Currently it terminates at Wellesley Avenue.
Two school speed zones of 20 mph have been added: Adams Road from 9th Avenue to 350 feet south of 4th Avenue, and Corbin Road from Appleway Avenue to 300 feet north of Cowley Avenue. Council reached consensus to bring a resolution to amend the Master Speed Limit Schedule to a future meeting.
In 2021, the City transitioned away from County-provided Geographic Information System (GIS) services, electing instead to hire an internal GIS employee. Services formerly provided by interlocal agreement are now performed in-house. However, not all the GIS services provided by the County were able to be transferred to the City. Those services that remained with the County were provided to the City for a nominal fee ranging from $1,000-$1,200 per month. The continuing inclusion of these services under interlocal agreement with the County is recommended. Council reached consensus to proceed with a future motion consideration for approval.
A report from the City’s Housing and Homeless (H&H) Coordinator summarized the area’s homeless situation and its relationship to the City of Spokane Valley. The region’s shelter system has been the topic of discussion over much of the past year. A significant development has been the creation of, a collaborative website between the City of Spokane, Spokane Valley, Spokane County, and the Spokane Regional Health District to provide up-to-date information on available places for use by providers, law enforcement, and the public.
The area’s shelters have been at or near capacity for most of the winter. Higher barrier facilities like Union Gospel Mission (UGM) have some space available but low-barrier shelters like the new Trent Resource and Assistance Center (TRAC) are regularly full or nearly full.
Even with the addition of the TRAC shelter, the region’s already stretched budget is not sustainable. Additional support provided by the County (in conjunction with funding from the City of Spokane Valley) and other funding sources does not appear likely to fund all the current shelter needs. This, of course, does not address the Camp Hope dilemma which remains a problem with no clear solution.
The City is finalizing its Community Homeless Plan. It recognizes the need and benefits of a regional approach to solving the homeless problem including drug and mental illness, transitional housing, and affordable permanent housing. The plan is in final discussion among the various stakeholders.
In August of 2020, Council adopted an amendment to the City’s Municipal Code clarifying the process and criteria to annex contiguous areas into the City ensuring fiscal impacts of providing facilities, utilities, services, and maintenance of the identified areas that are adequately considered prior to annexation.
Recently, staff and Council members have been participating in the update of Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). These policies are intended to guide interaction between the cities, towns, and county government. The CPPs provide the framework for the designation, review, and update of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). The City of Spokane Valley does not provide water, sewer, power, or gas, leaving the primary street-related services of plowing, maintenance, sweeping, stormwater, etc., and public safety.
To get a better understanding of the broad ramifications of annexation, the City will hire a consultant to analyze the fiscal impact of providing services and infrastructure as well as the value the annexed area(s) will bring to the City and what the advantages might be to those areas.
City Hall is open for business during normal business hours. The Public is invited to participate in action items or public comment periods in person or via ZOOM. Call 509-720-5000 or prior to 4:00 p.m. for access instructions.
The City Council holds more formal meetings the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and holds Study Sessions on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Agendas, minutes and background materials can be found on the City’s website: by 5pm the Friday before each meeting.
10210 E. Sprague Ave.
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