Rescues Rock is a weekly feature that celebrates rescue animals and their forever homes! Check back often for a new pet success story. Special thanks to the rescue groups all over the Inland Northwest and the work they do that makes stories like these possible!
Dante is an 11 lb naughty and nice cat. We picked up Dante from the Cheney High School bazaar 3 years ago. SCRAPS in Spokane had him on site and up for adoption for only $15 which included his already completed shots, microchip, neuter and pet license. He has been the best cat that we have ever had.
He bites only me when I leave the house because I’m not giving him the attention that he wants. He would never hurt anyone who comes to visit though. He loves women mostly but will warm up to almost anyone unless he is hiding.
Dante is funny and puts his toys in his water dish. We think he does that because they are so dry. Dante even plays fetch like a dog. Lately he has taken to a new toy which is my knee high panty hose. If we throw it, Dante will fetch it and bring it back. It’s very entertaining to witness.
He was meant to be a therapy pet for my son Jonathan who has special needs and epilepsy. But the reality is he rescued us and is our therapy cat for the whole family and anyone who meets him. He is our forever family. Thank you to SCRAPS for bringing this boy into our lives.
Submitted By Mary E.
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