Please Read This And Help Local Law Enforcement Protect You, Your Family, Friends, Neighbors, And Vulnerable Adults From Becoming A Victim!
In the recent past, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office has received many reports from citizens regarding phone scams. These scams vary somewhat in execution, but the end goal is the same: to use fear tactics to coerce innocent people out of their hard-earned money. This is being done in a very heinous and illegal manner, as scammers are posing as representatives of law enforcement. Yes, you read that correctly! Here is a general synopsis of how these calls work:
The victim receives a phone call. On the other end of the phone is a person who has introduced themselves as Lieutenant so-and-so, District Attorney so-and-so, or used another official-sounding title, such as Officer, Deputy, Captain, Sergeant, Chief, etc. They claim to work for the IRS, The Sheriff’s Office, the Police Department, the U.S. District Attorney’s Office, or a similar law enforcement agency. Then, they inform the victim that they have an unsettled warrant, or have committed a crime, such as missing jury duty or failing to respond to a certified letter. This begins the process of inciting fear into the hearts of otherwise law-abiding, hard-working citizens. Then, the scammers begin making their demands, which include telling the victims to acquire gift cards, money orders, MoneyPak cards, and even cash wired via Western Union to settle the debt. Victims are told that failure to respond as instructed will result in larger fines and/or arrest. These scammers are aggressive, threatening, and unrelenting in their pursuit of free money. Also, I’m troubled to admit this, but they are quite cunning, as several people have fallen victim to these cowardly scammers and their tactics. In a recent incident, one of the potential victims began asking basic questions the caller could not or would not answer. After the call ended without the victim falling prey to the scam, the victim called the number back which went to voicemail with a message stating the victim had reached the Sheriff’s Office. This was a very well thought out attempt to authenticate the scammer’s story.
So, what can you do to protect yourself and others from these types of scams? It’s as simple as being educated, and spreading the word to everyone you know! This is the message: law enforcement, to include The Sheriff’s Office, Spokane Valley Police, Spokane Police Department, the IRS or ANY other government agency will NOT contact you via telephone and threaten you with arrest, or demand that you pay fines over the phone. We will NOT ask you to provide banking information, or ask for a credit card to settle debts. If this happens, simply hang up the phone. If possible, call your local law enforcement agency to report the incident (in Spokane County, call Crime Check at 456-2233). Try to provide the number from which the call was received, if available. Also, your local law enforcement agency can verify (or dispel) whether or not you owe money or have any outstanding warrants for your arrest. Most importantly, DO NOT follow instructions to acquire any of the above mentioned instruments and send them to people that you’re unfamiliar with! Consider ANYONE calling you and demanding money over the phone for ANY reason to be fraudulent, unless you are able to prove otherwise.
Consider this, as a matter of perspective: there are laws in place that govern the methods used by actual debt collection agencies. Under these laws, they cannot use threats or tactics of fear to intimidate debtors into paying fines, for any reason. Keeping this in mind, I’d just like to stress one more time that law enforcement does NOT engage in those types of debt collection, or as a way to settle outstanding arrest warrants. When in doubt, and I mean even an inkling of any doubt, end the call, and do your own research into the matter.
- Be Safe Everyone!
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