This Study Session of the Spokane Valley City Council opened with two action items before listening to the Outside Agency Presentations from 19 agencies applying for grants under the City’s revised Outside Agency Program. The first action item was a motion consideration to adopt the City’s Tourism Promotion Marketing Service Proposal.
On September 20th, 2022, Council adopted Ordinance 22-016 establishing a Spokane Valley Tourism Promotion Area (TPA). Pursuant to the TPA, the Spokane Valley Hotel Commission (Commission) was formed. The Commission, with Council approval, hired 116 & West as consultants to develop a five-year destination marketing plan starting with an 18-month marketing service plan.
This evening Council was presented for its approval: 1) a five-year Destination Marketing Strategic Plan, 2) a contract with 116 & West for $813,500 to provide destination marketing services through December 31, 2024, and 3) its approval of “Discover THE VALLEY and Spokane Valley, WA” (tagline) for branding the City’s tourism initiatives.
An outline of year one of the five-year plan includes development of: a brand and identity package, to include a total campaign, asset library, virtual visitor center, concepts, and a website. Also planned are social media properties, reputation management, local brand launch campaign, Spokane Sports support, paid media campaigns, earned media, and strategic account management. Progress checkpoints are outlined to monitor the progress and success of the program. A three-part motion, to 1) approve the five-year Destination Marketing Strategic Plan, 2) authorize the City manager to execute the contract with 116 & West for $813,500 for services through December 31, 2024, and 3) approve the selection of “Discover THE VALLEY” and Spokane Valley, WA for branding the City’s tourism initiatives passed 6-2, Wick and Peetz voting no.
For a complete presentation of the plan(s), please go to the City website:
In June, Council approved a contract with Spokane Sports for $300,000 to provide sports recruitment and marketing services for 2023 in conjunction with the marketing services provided by 116 & West. Under that contract, Spokane Sports is working with City staff to research and plan for a 2-kilometer cross-country course of city-owned park property together with adjacent Washington State Parks-owned property at Flora Road on the north side of the Spokane River. The course is intended to host a wide variety of events from premier competitions to serving the community’s needs.
The project cost is estimated to be $7 million. City staff are seeking $4.4 million from the Lodging Tax fund. The unfunded portion of the total will be requested through other granting agencies. The motion to authorize staff to submit a 2024 Lodging Tax Grant application in partnership with Spokane Sports for $4.4 million to partially fund construction of the planned cross-country course passed 6-1. Wick voting no.
Since its incorporation, the City has provided partial funding for local economic development and social services. By doing so, the City is contracting for services that it might not otherwise provide. Earlier this year, Council decided to increase the dollar amount of the available funding to a total of $200,000. That amount was split into two categories with separate consideration: $100,000 for Economic Development and $100,000 for Social Services.
The City has received proposals from 19 agencies for a total funding request of $557,864. These include eight Economic Development applications adding up to $235,000, and eleven Social Services applications totaling $322,864. Clearly not all grants can be awarded and, in most cases, requests cannot be awarded in full.
At this Council meeting each agency was permitted five minutes to present its case for funding. Council members individually consider the amount to award each applicant. If an agency does not get four or more votes, it will not get further consideration for funds.
The applicants requests in their categories are:
Economic Development ($)
Total Economic Development Funding Requested 235,000
Social Services ($)
Total Social Services Funding Requested 322,864
Grand Total of both categories 557,864
Councilmembers will deliver their recommendations to the City’s Finance Director for grant awards for each agency selected. The total amount of the Councilmember’s awards cannot exceed $100,000 in either category. Agencies receiving four or more votes for a grant will be awarded the average of Council’s specific recommendations; however, an agency cannot receive more money than it applied for.
Council will make its final decision at its October 24th meeting.
City Council meetings are held in the Great Room at CenterPlace until further notice. City Hall, however, is open for business during normal business hours. The Public is invited to Council meetings to participate in action items or public comment periods in person or via ZOOM. Call 509-720-5000 or prior to 4:00 p.m. for access instructions. Council meetings are broadcast on Comcast channel 14.
The City Council holds more formal meetings the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and holds Study Sessions on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Agendas, minutes and background materials can be found on the City’s website: by 5pm the Friday before each meeting.
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