Buyers competing to purchase real estate can be frustrated at best and exasperated and homeless at worst. The buying process can be difficult especially when inventories are low. There seems to be some misconception among buying consumers that sellers are obligated to behave in a certain fashion or that there are rules of engagement out there somewhere that sellers must adhere to. I’m talking about the predictable situation in a low-inventory-market when a buyer presents an offer then waits for an answer, only to find out there are multiple other offers coming in. The buyer has a choice to make. Leave their offer as written, or modify their offering by adding a higher purchase price or streamlining the offer to eliminate contingencies. Do they want to participate in the inevitable bidding war?
Some common questions concerning this scenario are: 1) Does the seller have to consider the multiple offers in the order they came in, or does the buyer who was first in line get preference? 2) Does the seller have to respond to an offer by a certain time date mandated by a buyer? 3) Is it legal, fair, or ethical for the seller to ignore a buyer’s mandated response time in order to wait for other possible offers? 4) Is the seller’s broker obligated to present all offers immediately or can they wait for a week to allow offers to stack up before presenting them? 5) If the listing information says the seller will consider all offers on a certain date, can seller change their mind and accept an offer before the time frame they stated in the listing for offer review?
The pat answer for most of these questions is that the seller has the power to choose and do whatever they want to do! Sometimes when those choices are adverse to a buyers will, it may not feel fair, but it is a sellers prerogative to choose when and if they will accept any offer. They can also change their mind up to the point when an offer is fully signed and agreed upon.
The brokers however, are subject to certain statutory rules in this scenario. They are obligated to deal honestly and in good faith. They are obligated to present all written offers in a timely manner. That means they cannot allow offers to stack up without presenting them to the seller, however, that does not mean the seller has to make an immediate decision!
Truth Telling
Have you ever been around someone who always starts out their sentences with, “Honestly“... MORE...
Flush and Forget
As my wife can attest, I love a good western movie! Many of my favorites romanticize the idea of the... MORE...
Open Range
Most people think it is reasonable to expect a seller to be honest in disclosing... MORE...
Disclosure Requirements
Most people think it is reasonable to expect a seller to be honest in disclosing... MORE...
When Weather Becomes the Deciding Factor
Out-of-area-buyers often only look at property during seasons of the year when there are ...MORE...
The acronym above stands for Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and usually refers to the ...MORE...
Best Practices
For over 100 years Realtors® have diligently worked to conform to the best business ...MORE...
What Stays?
Once during a pre-closing walk through of a recently vacated house I noticed that most of the light bulbs were missing along with ...MORE...
Quit Claim vs. Warranty Deed
Quit claim deeds are commonly used when parents or ...MORE...
Why Market to a Bunch of Realtors?
Once in a local radio blitz by a new innovative discount brokerage, they mocked the strategy of ...MORE...
Does the Seller Benefit from a Well Represented Buyer?
The current environment in the real estate industry can be fraught with many pitfalls and ...MORE...
Is Cash Really King?
It is a common practice for loaded investors to wave cash (figuratively) in the face of a seller...MORE...
No Trespassing!
Owning property in this country is one of our basic rights that we should not take for granted...MORE...
Brokers are often asked by property owners to prepare a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) some of the reasons a property..MORE...
Market Analysis
Brokers are often asked by property owners to prepare a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) some of the reasons a property..MORE...
Aerial Photos are a Great Tool
Some time ago one of my agents brought a new listing into my office to get my opinion. I quickly scrutinized the listing data..MORE...
Common Sense
In a rerun of the TV classic, Leave It To Beaver, I was tickled by one of the interactions between Wally..MORE...
Does a Buyer Have Recourse?
With most home purchases the buyer negotiates the opportunity to perform a final walk through..MORE...
The Endowment Effect
In a real estate transaction the stakes are usually high, whether it’s economic...MORE...
Times have Changed
A recent class action lawsuit is now settled and ratified by the court ...MORE...
Your Manufactured Home
Manufactured homes have been around for many years now and may get a bad rap...MORE...
Accurate Market Analysis
Brokers are often asked by potential sellers to give a valuation of their property,...MORE...
Price Reductions, on the Rise
In a recent blog by a reputable broker a statement was made that...MORE...
Crops and Property Sales
In the fundamental real estate course that every licensee must pass ...MORE...
Blame the Government?
It seems fascinating that many US citizens think our POTUS is like a king ...MORE...
Easements, A Property Right
Property rights seem to be an ongoing hot topic since there are many people ...MORE...
Low Appraisal?
There are basically two processes of qualification when a buyer decides to purchase ...MORE...
Title Hiccups
After many years in the real estate business, it still surprises me when property owners are unaw ...MORE...
What Stays with the House?
Many times after a sale is completed or at the final walk-through by the buyer just prior to ...MORE...
Big City Broker Syndrome
A seller recently fired a big city broker who had done a great job prepping for an upcoming ...MORE...
The Power of MLS
For years the Multiple Listing System that is used by real estate brokers across the country ...MORE...
Another Permit?
The recent sale of a quality manufactured home reminded me that there is a gap in understanding concerning the proper permitting that is required for installing or altering manufactured home was installed ona city ...MORE...
Seller Costs
As a real estate professional, I have often been asked to provide a Market Analysis for potential selle ...MORE...
Buyers, Don't Fool Yourself
Recently a buyer traveled from the west side of our state to view several properties hoping to identify one ...MORE...
Caveat Emptor
In the past, real estate buyers took more risk than in these modern times. Improved business practices now demand full disclosure ...MORE...
Buyers, are You Prepared to Pay your Own Broker?
Recently the NAR (National Association of Realtors) agreed ...MORE...
The Bugs are Here
Spring is here and the bugs are out! This is one part of country living that can be difficult! ...MORE...
Adverse Possession
The other day an inquiry came across my desk concerning a fence encroachment ...MORE...
Do I Have to Tell?
What if someone died in a home? Is the real estate broker obligated to disclose this information? ...MORE...
The Best Time to Plant a Tree
This March I attended an annual community Crab Feed in ...MORE...
Is It Illegal to Record Audio on Ring Cameras?
We live in a world that relies more and more on artificial intelligence which includes having our actions monitored in many settings...MORE...
More about Wire Fraud
Is wire fraud still a thing in today’s real estate environment? According to ...MORE...
Buyer Brokerage Services Agreement
Times have changed for buyers in the real estate industry ...MORE...
Boundry Dispute? Not Yet.
One of the questions for sellers, on the mandated State disclosure statement, asks ...MORE...
Should You Pass on the Home Inspection?
In a recent real estate transaction a buyer was convinced by ...MORE...
Realtor Code of Ethics - Excerpts
It is common for some water wells to experience loss of water quality over time ...MORE...
Need to Rehab Your Well?
It is common for some water wells to experience loss of water quality over time ...MORE...
Do You Have to Rent to a Criminal?
Those in the real estate industry who manage rentals are careful to adhere to ...MORE...
For the second time in a week I’ve come across the situation where ...MORE...
Broker Compensation Conflicts
For the second time in a month Realtors® have been accused in a law...MORE...
Over Priced?
One day I received a call from a buyer who was expressing interest in a property that...MORE...
Contract Enforcement
When something goes awry after the close of a real estate transaction, the first person on the list ...MORE...
Best Practices
For over 100 years Realtors® have diligently worked to conform to the best business practices of the times. Even the term, Best Practices suggests that such methods are continually evolving and improving ...MORE...
Manufactured Homes
Manufactured homes have been around for many years now and may get a bad rap sometimes. Since ...MORE...
Will Your Property Sell in the Winter?
Most sellers remove their house or property from the market in the win...MORE...
Could Legal Verdict Change Commisions?
A jury recently handed a loss to the National Association of Realtors® in a case where the complaint...MORE...
Benefit to Buyers
On January 1, 2024, major changes to the Law of Agency will go into effect...MORE...
Agency Law Clarified
Since 1996 the State of Washington passed a new statute that defined and clarified agency law...MORE...
Jim Palmer, Jr.
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Professional Representation for Buyers & Sellers
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