CWHBA - Is it Time to Remodel or Relocate?

Is It Time to Remodel or Relocate? Part 1

There is always something on a homeowners to-do list, from changing air filters to finally repairing that leaky faucet. You may tackle a big project on your to-do list, such as a kitchen renovation or upgrading aging appliances. Modernizing your home can come with a hefty price tag. Depending on the scope of your project, it might be time to move on to a house that better suits your needs. To help you evaluate if you should invest in a home project or start saving for a new house, start by asking yourself the following questions:


1. What’s my budget?
Crunch some numbers to determine what you’re financially ready to spend. Remodeling can be an excellent investment and save you the hassle of moving. But it requires a great deal of patience and flexibility. On the other hand, buying a home can be instantly gratifying, but the actual costs of buying (and selling) – such as commissions, closing costs and moving fees – need to be part of the equation, as that is money you won’t get back.  

2. Is the layout of your current home conducive to a remodel? 
Do you like your kitchen, but a load-bearing wall prevents you from making it your dream space? Or your perfect bathroom would be attainable except for space constraints? A professional remodeler can provide you with creative solutions to your layout needs. Conversely, a remodeler can help you determine if a dramatic remodel is attainable. Another consideration is zoning laws. If you’re planning a large project, a professional remodeler can tell you if any zoning restrictions would affect the remodeling project you envision. 

To connect with a professional remodeler to help determine what updates are feasible for your home, contact the Central Washington Home Builders Association, and keep reading the Exchange each week!