The summer is finally over and kids have started back to school. I hope your summer was fun, relaxing, and safe! Now it’s time for us to turn our attention to serious matters like keeping our kids safe! Please be very aware of school speed zones. Make sure you slow down to 20 miles per hour, and keep your eyes wide open for them to cross the road unexpectedly!
On the topic of traffic safety, PLEASE do not text or talk on your phone while driving. Distracted driving kills! A good, quality, Bluetooth device can be purchased for under $50. Compare that to a ticket which is $136, or a crash that can go into millions if a person is harmed or killed.
Driving under the influence (DUI) of intoxicating substances is continuing to be a deadly problem on Spokane roads. Sometimes the substance is alcohol, sometimes it is over-the-counter medication, and sometimes it is cannabinoids. DUI from marijuana related products has increased greatly since the passage of Initiative 502 in 2015.
Finally, we at the Sheriff’s Office need you to help us out! Please call Crime Check at 509-456-2233 or 911 to report: Suspicious Behavior, Crimes in Progress, Dangerous Situations, Zombies or Space Alien Invasions, I just added those last two, to check if you are paying attention!
The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office is committed to be being your partner in safety and to being open to scrutiny. We offer many opportunities for you to learn Crime Prevention skills, to learn about our agency, and to learn how YOU can PREVENT crime in your neighborhood. Each year we put on two Citizen’s Academies. One is coming up in October. You can get more information and register by emailing me at We offer a Crime Prevention Conference each October and each year between 50 and 100 people get educated on very interesting and important topics. The next one is October 17th, email Venus Delcambre-Morris at for more information. Finally, for ALL Neighborhood Watch Captains, whether you are new or have been a captain for 25 years, we have an upcoming meeting planned that will help YOU. It is an All-Captains meeting coming up at the Spokane Valley Police Precinct on October 25th. Guess what? You can also get information by contacting Mrs. Delcambre-Morris at the email address given above.
We really want to reach out to you, and we want you to reach back! Please be our partners! Another great way to stay informed is to “Like” the Sheriffís Office Facebook page at You can stay up-to-date on the latest developments on crime fighting and community outreach and education opportunities. Please stay safe and I hope to see you at one of these events!
If you have questions or comments, please send them to me!
Sheriff’s Citizens Academy: October 1 through November 19, 2018, Every Monday, 6pm-9pm, Sheriff’s Training Center, 6011 N. Chase Rd, Newman Lk. To sign up: Please call Deputy David Morris at 509-477-6044 or E-mail at:
The Sheriff’s Crime Prevention Conference: October 17th, 2018, 9am-3:40pm, Sheriff’s Training Center, 6011 N. Chase Rd, Newman Lake, WA. Please contact 509-477-3055 for more information and registration forms.
Neighborhood Watch Captain & Co-Captain Meeting: October 25, 2018, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Spokane Valley Police Precinct, 12710 E. Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA. You must contact the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator to sign up for this meeting no later than October 19th. Please call 509-477-3055.
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